Thursday, February 5, 2009


DH really hates his job right? I mean he would rather scratch his face off than go in to work. I can't really say I blame him though. He works in a call center for a supplemental insurance company with very very high call volume. It's alot of stress and not even close to what he's getting his degree in (which he'll have in June thank God!!). When he comes home from work he always has a new, huge pimple show up. Poor guy.

He went to a job fair yesterday with no luck and it really disappointed him. I know he's put in a million apps for different jobs within the company and out. He flat out told me yesterday that he'd give this job 2 more weeks. If in 2 weeks they don't offer him something else within the company then he's going to put in his 2 week notice. My reaction you ask? "WTF OMG GTFO!" Yep.

We haven't talked any more about it because I wanted to be able to "collect my thoughts" on the matter before I snapped his balls off. I'm pretty sure we're going to need to put TTC off until he finds a job or we at least know what we're doing. Arrghhh I'm so frustrated! On one hand I would hate to ask my DH to go to a job that he despises buuuuttt on the other hand this economy sucks a big donkey dick and if he quits, there's no telling when or where or if he could find another job! WTF doofy DH!

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